Adam Lueken

Crazy to think, but 2022 is already halfway over. Time sure flies, which can make it even more challenging to hit all the personal, professional and team goals we set at the beginning of the year. Now that we’re at the halfway point, it’s a great time to review what goals you’ve hit and what still remains, in order to finish out the rest of the year strong.
This is true for personal and professional goals for yourself, as well as collaborative team/practice goals (or all of the above). It’s important to take a look and see what progress you’ve made, what opportunities still exist and what goals need updated (or removed).
Do a SMART Check
First, take a look at what goals or action items you have completed. If some are incomplete or not started, what is the reason behind that? A big part of the SMART goal formula is setting goals that are measurable, so progress can be marked. If you set specific measuring criteria at the beginning, use that to measure where you’re at with each goal. Are you on track? Are you ahead or behind schedule?
If you or your team are behind on certain goals, adjust your action plan as needed. Write your goals down if you haven’t, and keep them accessible – whether they’re in a notebook, on your computer or on your bulletin board. Set some ongoing time to review goals and stick with it. Whether it’s weekly or bi-weekly, you be the judge. Make it part of your daily routine. If you’ve set goals with your team, involve them too and set a regular staff meeting or check-in just for goal review. Make sure you’ve set actionable steps for each goal. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when tackling a goal as a whole, but if you break it into smaller steps, it’s much more doable. Set realistic deadlines for your action items too. If you’re struggling to keep these deadlines, what’s the reason? Were they unreasonable or did changes in resources prevent you from meeting them? Also, set a measurable aspect of each goal and assign it a number. That way, you can continually use that number to help measure your progress. Be sure to track each goal by the amount of time you spend on it. This can help you identify areas where you’re getting stuck or spending extra time.
Adjust Your Actions and Priorities If Needed
Consider the following questions and adjust accordingly. Are your set goals still attainable or still relevant? Did you set goals that were too high? Or are you missing key pieces to achieve them? Are some goals you made at the beginning of the year not as important now?. Once you’ve had a chance to review what to keep, add to, remove, etc., update your current list and actions.
Celebrate Wins and Recognize Obstacles
For the goals you’ve completed or made progress with, reward yourself (and your team). Share these successes with your team and what progress has been made. This will help keep everyone excited and motivated to achieve more. In addition, take a closer look at what opportunities remain and what obstacles are in your way. Are your resources available to meet these goals (time, money, knowledge, team support) good enough or is a lack of resources the problem? Or perhaps these goals/action items aren’t top priorities anymore and your goal list needs to be adjusted?
Need additional support hitting your practice goals? We’re always a phone call or click away. Schedule a consultation with one of our practice management experts today.